Integrate InteDashboard with Canvas

This is a guide which provides you some insight on how to manually configure InteDashboard as an external app into Canvas.

The following links are helpful during this process.

  1. First, you will need to take is to grab your LMS Integration details from InteDashboard.

  2. You will need to do this on an individual course basis, and the details can be found within your courses on admin-teachers and teacher accounts here.

The details are as such:

Keep the page above open, so you can quickly access this data in a few minutes.

3. Open Canvas and access the course that you want to integrate InteDashboard with from within Canvas.

4. Go to the settings area within your course on Canvas.

5. Select Apps in the top menu.

6. Select the View App Configurations option.

7. Next please click on +App.

8. It will open a window wherein you can input the details of a the course in InteDashboard you are going to integrate.

Key in the LMS Integration details from the InteDashboard Course and click the Submit button.

The important details that need to go into the +App area are the following:

  • Configuration type: By URL.

  • Name: InteDashboard.

  • Consumer Key: Copy-and-paste the details from your LMS Integration area on InteDashboard.

  • Shared Secret: Copy-and-paste the details from your LMS Integration area on InteDashboard.

  • Launch URL: Copy-and-paste the details from your LMS Integration area on InteDashboard.

  • Privacy: Public.

9. Once you have clicked Submit, InteDashbaord will be one of the apps inside the course.

10. The InteDashboard link will be added to your course navigation links to click. (This link will also appear for students who belongs to the course. )

Additional information of importance when creating this type of LTI connection:

  • Students entering InteDashboard can only see activities to which they are assigned and that assignment is made by placing them into teams which is linked to their InteDashboard enrollment e-mail address.

  • Students who are enrolled in one course will see only that specific course and activity when they click on the LTI link from within Canvas.

  • Students who are enrolled in multiple courses will see all the courses and activities they are enrolled in when they click on the LTI link from within Canvas.

  • The application behavior is similar to an admin account works. If your teacher account has admin status you can see all the courses on the InteDashboard landing page when you login because you’re part of them. But professors that have been added to just one course, will only see one course in the landing page when they log in. The same thing applies to students.

How to Pre-Assign Teams?

  • If you have the list of students who are using Canvas, you can prepopulate the teams and sections in InteDashboard by doing a copy&paste / uploading the student list (with their assigned teams and section) in InteDashboard.

  • As students sign-in to Canvas, their email addresses will be connected to the ones you have prepopulated and they'll be automatically assigned to teams.

  • If a student is not using the same email you have added in InteDashboard, the student record will not be reconciled and they'll be unassigned to any team. In this case, you'll have to assign them to teams to make sure they'll be able to see the activities.

Don't see the link from your Canvas left-side navigations?

  1. Log out, clear your cache, refresh your browser, and log back in. Check if the InteDashboard appears on the left-side navigations. (Found in Step 10 of this guide)

  2. Try another browser.

  3. If the steps above doesn't help, contact

Further Helpful Information

  • If you decide to upload your student roster via one of the main student addition methods, the students may be merged into one when they authenticate from Canvas into InteDashboard.

  •  Can you perform the manual or bulk upload first and then use the LTI connection to upload students? In general, we recommend either doing the Canvas integration OR the built in methods to add students apart from each other.  We have had a few situations where the data from the Canvas integration includes a different email address than what was uploaded as a roster.  This resulted in duplicate students.  In this example, Canvas had the email address as but the roster that was uploaded had for the same person. This created multiple accounts in the system, which can create a situation of personal labor to rectify by dis-enrolling students.