Create a Module

Organize the content of your courses to Modules. For example:

  • Name the modules by topics, i.e., Diffusion and Osmosis, Homeostasis, etc.

  • Name the modules by time , i.e., Week 1 Introduction to Biology, Week 2-3 Chemisty in Biology, etc.

  • Name the modules by examination content, i.e., Preliminary, Midterms, Finals, etc.

The module creation steps are as follows:

  1. Go to the Courses tab from the side navigation and lick on the Course name you want to add modules to.

  2. Click on +New Module button on the top-right-corner.

  3. Fill out the module fields.

  4. Click Save button to save your new course.

Watch a short video below.

Watch how to create modules in the video below

These are the steps. (And some more information)

  1. Go to the Courses tab from the side navigation. (This is the page you'll be taken to automatically when you login).

  2. Click on the Course name you want to add modules to. You'll be taken to the MODULES & ACTIVITIES tab.

  3. Click on +New Module button on the top-right-corner.

  4. Fill out the following fields in the new page:

    • NAME : This can be any of the following examples above, i.e., Diffusion and Osmosis

    • PERIOD: This is the time period that you expect your module to be active. This is mostly for sorting the modules in the course. From the MODULES & ACTIVITIES tab, the modules are organized by the oldest one first and the latest last.

    • DESCRIPTION: Please provide a description of your module. This field could also be used to create learning objectives for your module.
      Note: These details can not be seen by your students, and can only be viewed by teachers that have access to this specific course.

  5. Click Save button to save your new course.

#module #createmodule #createnewmodule #newmodule #modulename #moduleperiod #moduledescription #organizemodule #moduletopics #topics