Features of the Prework Activity Dashboard

This articles explains the features found within your prework activity dashboard

Update Open Period: This can be used to adjust the open period of the activity

End Prework: This button end the ongoing prework activity

Reset: This button clears ALL existing student data from the prework activity and resets the prework activity

Activity Controls

This block contains the buttons that control the prework activity.

Not Opened: This shows the number of students who have not opened the files

Opened: This shows the number of students who have opened the files

Downloaded: This shows the number of students who have downloaded the prework file or files.

Status Block

This block displays the details of students who interacted with the activity.

File: This shows the file(s) you uploaded when setting up the prework activity

Opened: This shows the percentage of students who have opened the prework files

Downloaded: This shows the percentage of the students who have downloaded the prework files

Prework Materials

This block displays the prework materials uploaded. You can:

  1. Preview the material. Click "Preview".

  2. Upload more materials into the Prework. Click "Prework Material" button on the top-right corner.

    • You can add more materials to the Prework even when the activity is already ongoing.

    • If you add more, an email will be sent to the students that a new material was added to the Prework.