How to release an IRAT & TRAT Activity scores to students?

This short article will help you understand how students can view their scores within InteDashboard for IRAT & TRAT activities.

After your activity is completed. Please access your instructor's dashboard and click on the Visibility Control button. Do this for both IRAT and TRAT dashboards separately.

Toggle the following options as desired.

  • If you want students to see the activity without any further data. Toggle first option to yes and leave the other options to no.

  • If you want students to view the activity and their answers. Toggle the first two options to yes and the last one to no.

  • If you want students to only view activity scores, but not their answers. Please toggle the first and third options to yes, and the second one to no.

  • If you want students to view all of the data. Toggle all options to yes.

On the STUDENTS' side

When the students login to their account, they will see the following options next to the activity on InteDashboard. This is how you can effectively release grades to students in a visual way right within InteDashboard.