Reset a Teacher's Password

Account Administrators can reset any teacher's password within their institution. If a teacher is having difficulties signing-in, or they forgot their username and password, you can easily troubleshoot 2 ways:

  1. Send a Reset password Link

  2. Reset a Temporary Password

See some screenshots below.

Here are the screenshots of the steps

Step 1

  1. Go to the "TEACHERS" link from the side navigation and lick on the "View" button for the teacher you want to edit details of.

Step 2

  1. Click the "Reset Password" (Top-right-hand-corner of the page)


  1. Send a Reset Password Link

    • Click this and this teacher will receive an email that contains a link to set a new password. **Advice the teacher to find the email on their spam/junk mail if it's not in the inbox.

  2. Reset Temporary Password to ****