Answer a 360 Degree Evaluation

With 360 Degree Evaluations, answers are auto-saved. You can change and re-change your responses anytime as long as the activity is still open.

360 Degree Evaluation has the following types of questions:

  1. Michelsen Point Distribution

  2. Rating Scale questions

  3. Free Response questions

Screenshots below.

Here's how the activity looks like from the dashboard

Activity Dashboard

You'll be able to see the following:

  • TYPE: This is the type of activity. This can be Prework, IRAT, TRAT, or Application.

  • ACTIVITY NAME: This is the name of the activity.

  • COURSE: This is the course where this activity belongs to.

  • MODULE: This is the module this activity belongs to.

  • STATUS: It will tell you if the Prework is open or not.

  • DUE DATE: Date and time that the Prework Material will be closed.


    • Here's where you can find the buttons.

  1. Click "Instructions" to see the instructions of the activity.

  2. Click "Enter Test" to let your teacher know you are present and can access the test.

  3. Once the STATUS says "Ongoing" you can click "Take the Test" to start answering the RAT.

Answering the Evaluation

Michelsen points

This is ONLY used to evaluate teammates.

Evaluate your teammates using points. Award your teammates with different points, once above 10 points, 1 below 10 points.

Rating Scale

Rating scale questions are used to evaluate yourself, your teammates, your team as a whole and your instructors.

You just need to click the circle buttons to give them a rating.

Free Response

Your teacher may also set up the evaluation activity to contain free response questions. Just type in your answers in the box provided.

All answers are auto-saved. You can change your answers to the evaluation anytime as long as the activity is still open.