How to go through an e-Gallery Walk

How to go through an e-Gallery walk

  1. During an e-Gallery walk you will see the answers and input from other teams on specific questions. You will also have the chance to vote on for the answer that you think it's the best one. To get started please click on the join discussion button next to your Application Case activity once your instructor has started the eGallery walk from their end.

Please note that the e-Gallery walk is only available on free response question types. So you won't see this feature on MCQ (Multiple Choice) questions.

  1. As you progress through the e-Gallery walk you will be able to provide live feedback to your instructor via adding comments and voting for the best answer that's available.

Please note that you will only be able to participate on an e-Gallery walk if your team answered that specific question.


Teacher initializes e-Gallery Walk

Once the teacher initializes the e-Gallery walk, students will see this pop up.



Once the teacher starts the e-Gallery Walk, students should be able to see this screen.


  1. Your own team's answer is in an orange-nordered gray box. There is NO "VOTE" button and no comments box. This means that teams cannot vote for their own answer.

  2. Green "VOTE" button

  3. Comments box.

Comment on other teams' ideas/answers by typing on the provided space.

Once you click "VOTE" button, you can no longer change your vote or type additional comment.

Please click the "Add Comment" button to save your feedback.

Step 3 VOTE

Click the "VOTE" button to cast your vote.

Step 4 Confirm Vote

Click the "VOTE" button to confirm.
Once you click "VOTE" you will not be able to change your vote or add more comments to any of the answers in the e-Gallery.


e-Gallery Walk Ongoing

Once you've confirmed your vote, it'll be marked "VOTED" and the other "VOTE" buttons next to other team's answers will be grayed-out and unclickable.